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2. Upon completion of the degree, students should have mastered core physics and should be familiar with areas of physics outside their research specialty.
3. Upon completion of the degree, students should be an expert in their research specialty and have demonstrated the ability to conduct original research.
4. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to communicate effectively about topics of current research.
5. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to design and execute an experiment and understand experimental results and uncertainty.
Physics Ph.D.
1. Upon completion of the degree, students should have mastered core physics at an advanced graduate level.2. Upon completion of the degree, students should have mastered core physics and should be familiar with areas of physics outside their research specialty.
3. Upon completion of the degree, students should be an expert in their research specialty and have demonstrated the ability to conduct original research.
4. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to communicate effectively about topics of current research.
5. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to design and execute an experiment and understand experimental results and uncertainty.
8-year graduation rate
Avg. years to degree
10 years after graduation
5 years after graduation
1 year after graduation
PLACEMENT2 years after graduation
Working in New York
Continuing Education