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Mechanical Engineering M.S.


1. Upon completion of the degree, students should be able to obtain higher levels of skills in the Mechanical Engineering related fields. There are four focus areas which students can choose to develop expertise in the area of interest and help achieve the objective of his/her career.

2. The focus area in energy technology provides the students with a global understanding of current energy challenges. 'Hands on' laboratory and design experience in the areas of Heat pumps, Insulation, Solar thermal, Photovoltaics, Wind turbines, Fuel cells, and Thermo-electrics, as well as theory-based courses focusing on energy transformation, transfer, and storage.

3. The focus area in the designing and manufacturing of various products. This concentration is intended to bridge the gap between the analytical and design courses which are the heart of the professional program and the practical problems of producing acceptable components.

4. The focus area in Robotics provides analytical and design experience in the areas of; robotics foundations in kinematics and inverse kinematics, dynamics, serial and parallel manipulator.



3-year graduation rate


Avg. years to degree



10 years after graduation


5 years after graduation


1 year after graduation

PLACEMENT2 years after graduation


Working in New York


Continuing Education


Graduation rates: the percent of students entering the master’s program any time during the academic year and graduating by May 31 three years later. Methodology is parallel to AAU Data Exchange doctoral completion rates and means that spring entrants have less time to complete. Average of three most recent reporting years (2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24) Years to degree: the average number of years it takes a student to complete the selected program. Average of the three most recent completion years (2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24). No Asterisk-Earnings: the median annual earnings of graduates in the selected program at the master’s degree level based on the 2-digit CIP code at 1, 5 and 10 years after graduation. U.S. Census, Postsecondary Enrollment Outcomes Explorer. Degree completers from 2001-2022in 2020 dollars. Asterisk- Earnings: the median annual earnings of graduates in the selected program at the master’s degree level at 1, 5 and 10 years after graduation. SUNY Graduates Post Completions Interactive Dashboard. Degree completers from 2005-2019 in 2020 dollars. Working in NY State: the percent of graduates working in New York State one year after graduation. Most recent available data from SUNY as of January 31, 2024