Main Project:
MUSE will perform muon-proton scattering mainly motivated by the proton radius puzzle.
The proton radius puzzle started in 2010 when the CREMA collaboration measured the
proton charge radius with muonic atoms and found a 7σ discrepancy with the CODATA
value. Since then multiple experiments aimed at measuring the proton charge radius
have been performed, in the nuclear and atomic physics communities, and the results
are inconclusive. MUSE aims to measure the proton radius using simultaneous electron-proton
and muon-proton scattering at the PiM1 secondary beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute.
This simultaneous measurement is the first of its kind, and aims to be the most precise
muon-proton scattering measurement in the kinematic region sensitive to the proton
charge radius. In addition, MUSE will provide data for both positive and negative
leptons, testing radiative corrections, especially two-photon exchange. It will also
provide important data on pion-proton scattering.
Our Publications:
W. Lin, et al., The MUSE Beamline Calorimeter, in preparation J. C. Bernauer, E. W. Cline, et al., Blinding for precision scattering experiments: The MUSE approach as a case study, (2023):
L. Li, S. Strauch, et al., Instrumental uncertainties in radiative corrections for the MUSE experiment, (2024), EPJ A:
E. Cline, W. Lin, P. Roy, P. E. Reimer, K. E. Mesick, et al., Characterization of muon and electron beams in the Paul Scherrer Institute PiM1 channel for the MUSE experiment, (2022), Phys. Rev. C:
L. Li, S. Strauch, et al., Instrumental uncertainties in radiative corrections for the MUSE experiment, (2024), EPJ A:
E. Cline, J. C. Bernauer, E. J. Downie, R. Gilman, MUSE: The MUon Scattering Experiment, (2021):
R. Gilman, et al., Technical Design Report for the Paul Scherrer Institute Experiment R-12-01.1: Studying the Proton "Radius" Puzzle with μp Elastic Scattering, (2017):
A. Afanasev, et al., Radiative Corrections: From Medium to High Energy Experiments, (2023), in press:
Professor: |
Jan C. Bernauer |
Postdoc: |
Ethan Cline |
Graduate student: |
Kyle Salamone |
Undergraduate student:
Charlie Brown |