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Siwei Wang

Siwei headshot


Assistant Professor
PhD Computer Science, University of Chicago 

Life Sciences Building
Office: Room 550B

Phone: (631) 632-3468


Dr. Wang earned her doctorate from the University of Chicago in machine learning and speech processing before transitioning to theoretical neuroscience as a postdoctoral fellow at the HU-Max Center for Sensory to Action, where she collaborated with Naftali Tishby, Idan Segev, and Alexander Borst. Additionally, she worked with Professor Stephanie Palmer prior to joining Stony Brook University. 


Research Interests

Her previous work has shown how information processing during survival-critical behaviors sculpts early neural systems. She uses information theory, Bayesian inference, and representation learning methods to investigate how neural representation evolves along the sensory-to-behavior arc to enable effective future action planning based on past experiences. 

Representative Publications
