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The Graduate Program in Neuroscience, in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Renaissance School of Medicine, offers training in the rapidly expanding field of neuroscience. The Graduate Program in Neuroscience is a University-wide (Departments of Neurobiology & Behavior, Psychiatry, Psychology, Neurology, Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering and others), multi-institutional (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Brookhaven National Laboratory) program with more than 50 participating faculty. The educational and laboratory experiences available to students span all areas of contemporary neuroscience (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, computational, molecular & cellular, and systems). The Program offers both Master and Doctoral degrees, both characterized by coursework and hands on research experience.

Through coursework and independent research, students are trained to approach research problems in neuroscience with a broad perspective. Expertise in the areas of molecular and biochemical control of neural function related to development and learning, properties of receptors and ion channels in relation to cellular physiology, the cellular basis of integrative functions, analysis of the neural underpinning of behavior, computational neuroscience and the structural basis for communication among neurons are available to all students in the program. Such broad expertise and highly interactive and collaborative faculty provide students with unique opportunities to draw from one or more of these disciplines through multidisciplinary, cosponsored research projects.

The Graduate Program in Neuroscience offers a unique experience to our community of graduate students. Mentoring is paramount and our faculty strives to provide exceptional training and career advising. Our students have access to state of the art equipment and facilities. The Program community is diverse, inclusive, collegial and collaborative. Lively interactions with the research community on campus, which includes programs on scientific communication, technology development, translational biomedical science, as well as business development and interactions with industry, greatly expand training opportunities for our students.