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With a student population of nearly 1,000, not including heritage students, India is the second largest international student population on campus. The University is also home to a number of prominent faculty who are native of India, as well as the Center for India Studies.
With that in mind, this past March, Dr. Jun Liu, Vice Provost for Global Affairs, embarked on a two week fact finding mission under the auspices of Fulbright. During the Fulbright-Nehru program, Dr. Liu met with administrators, government officials, and students from more than 15 different universities and institutions, developing contacts and learning about the higher education system in India.
As a follow up to the mission, the University is developing an India Strategies Task Force to identify and explore key partners within India for student and faculty exchange, as well as research collaboration.
Exploring Higher Education in India

Photo: Dr. Liu participating in a Fulbright-Nehru event in India.
Given the numerous student and faculty connections, it is surprising that Stony Brook does not have any active formal agreements with India among its 200 university partners.
With that in mind, this past March, Dr. Jun Liu, Vice Provost for Global Affairs, embarked on a two week fact finding mission under the auspices of Fulbright. During the Fulbright-Nehru program, Dr. Liu met with administrators, government officials, and students from more than 15 different universities and institutions, developing contacts and learning about the higher education system in India.
As a follow up to the mission, the University is developing an India Strategies Task Force to identify and explore key partners within India for student and faculty exchange, as well as research collaboration.