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International Education Month
This November, the Office of Global Affairs celebrated International Education Month, an extension of International Education
Week (organized by the US Departments of State and Education), with a series of events
designed to raise global awareness on campus and educate about Stony Brook's international diversity.
Events included mini-fairs, Global Forums, and informational immigration workshops for students and staff. New this
year was a popular workshop focused on the impact and value behind appropriately and
correctly pronouncing international student names. The workshop included a tutorial
from a Confucius Institute instructor on how to pronounce common Chinese names.
Our main event, the One Stop Culture Shop in the Melville Library Lobby, brought together
international students from 10 countries to showcase their native languages and cultures.
Students wrote up fact sheets about their countries with trivia and useful phrases,
and handed out international candies and popcorn to students who stopped by.