Hanna NekvasilProfessor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, 1986 Postdoctoral Fellow, Arizona State University, 1985-86 Instructor, University of Arizona, 1986-87 Research Associate, Arizona State University, 1987-88 Faculty member at Stony Brook since 1988 |
Professor Nekvasil's research focuses on the effects of magmas, and the fluids/gases that they produce, on planetary crust evolution. Her group’s research conducts experimental simulations of processes ranging from igneous fractionation, to volcanic degassing and magmatic gas-induced alteration.
Lunar studies
Our lunar studies have focused on the mineral apatite and have shown for the first time that lunar magmas may have contained significantly more water than previously thought. Our new investigations involve experimental exploration of the implications of the newly determined azeotropic behavior of anorthitic plagioclase on lunar magma ocean crystallization and differentiation. In addition, we are working with the planetary science group under SSERVI to develop new lunar simulants for toxicity studies.
Martian studies
Our martian studies have focused on experimentally simulating crystallization of magmas that could have produced the igneous rocks analyzed by the MER rover Spirit and the martian meteorites. We have also recently designed and implemented an experimental system that allows us to determine the nature of vapor-deposited minerals that martian volcanic gas could have contributed to the surface and the alteration that mineral particles would undergo when exposed to this gas. We continue to interact with the spectroscopy group to assess the effect of these processes and their products on the IR characteristics of martian surface materials.
Terrestrial studies
Our terrestrial studies focus on re-assessing accepted models of mid-ocean ridge and suibduction zone processes in light of the newly identified azeotropic behavior of anorthitic plagioclase. This effort is directed at identifying the formation mechanism for highly anorthitic plagioclase found in each of these settings as this mineral currently remains of unknown origin.
Selected Publications
Nekvasil, H., DiFrancesco, N. J., Rogers, A. D., Coraor, A. E., & King, P. L. (2019). Vapor‐deposited minerals contributed to the Martian surface during magmatic degassing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/
Lindsley, D.H., Nekvasil, H.,, and Timothy D. Glotch, T.D. (2019) Synthesis of Pigeonites for Spectroscopic Studies. American Mineralogist 104, 615-618.
King, P.Wheeler, V.M., Renggli, C.J., Palm, A.B., Wilson, S.A., Harrison, A. L., Morgan, B., Nekvasil, H., Troitzsch, U., Mernagh, T., Yue, L., Bayon, A., DiFrancesco, N.J., Baile, R., Kreider, P., Lipoinski, W. (2018) Gas-Solid Reactions: Theory, Experiments and Case Studies relevant to Earth and Planetary Processes. Rev. Min. 84, 1-56.
Vaughn, J. S., Lindsley, D. H., Nekvasil, H., Hughes, J. M., Phillips, B. L. (2018) Complex F,Cl apatite solid solution investigated using multinuclear solid-state NMR methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 530-539. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b09912
Nekvasil, H., Lindsley, D.H., DiFrancesco, N. D., Catalano, T.A., Coraor, E. and Charlier, B. (2015), Uncommon behavior of plagioclase and the ancient lunar crust. Geophys. Res. Lett. 42. doi:10.1002/2015GL066726.
Vaughn, J.S., Woerner, W.R., Lindsley, D.H., Nekvasil,H., Hughes, J.M., Phillips, B.L. (2015) Hydrogen Environments In Low-OH, F, Cl Apatites Revealed By Double Resonance Solid-State NMR. J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (51), pp 28605–28613.
Rogers A.D. and Nekvasil H. (2015) Feldspathic rocks on Mars: Compositional constraints from infrared spectroscopy and possible formation mechanisms" (2015GL063501R) Geophysical Research Letters 42, 2619–2626.
Hughes J.M., Heffernan, K.M., Goldoff, B., Nekvasil, H. (2015) Cl-rich fluorapatite, devoid of OH, from the Three Peaks area, Utah: the first reported structure of natural Cl-rich fluorapatite. Can, Mineral. doi:10.3749/canmin.1400014.
Ustunisik, G., Nekvasil, H. Lindsley, D.H., and McCubbin, F.M. (2015) Degassing pathways of Cl-, F-, H-, and S-bearing magmas near the lunar surface: Implications for the composition and Cl isotopic values of lunar apatite. American Mineralogist 100, 1717–1727.
DiFrancesco N .J, Hanna Nekvasil H., Lindsley D. H., Ustunisik G. (2015) Low pressure crystallization of a volatile-rich lunar basalt: a means for producing local anorthosites? American Mineralogist 100, 983–990.
Hovis G.L., McCubbin, F.M., Nekvasil H., Ustunisik G., Lindsley D.H. (2014) A Novel Technique for Fluorapatite Synthesis and the Thermodynamic Mixing Behavior of F-OH Apatite Crystalline Solutions. American Mineralogist 99, 890-897.
Hughes, J.M., Nekvasil, H., Ustunisik, G., Lindsley D.H., Coraor, A.E., Woerner, W., McCubbin, F.M (2014) Solid solution in the fluorapatite - chlorapatite binary system: High-precision crystal structure refinements of a synthetic F-Cl apatite. American Mineralogist 99, 369-376.
Ustunisik, G., Nekvasil, H. and Lindsley, D.H. (2011) Differential degassing of H20, CI, F, and S: Potential effects on lunar apatite. American Mineralogist 96, 1650-1653.
McCubbin, F.M., Steele, A., Hauri, E., Nekvasil, H., Yamashita, S., Hemley, R.J. (2010) Insights into hydrous magmatism on the Moon from the mineral apatite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science United States of America. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1006677107
McCubbin F.M., Smirnov A., Nekvasil H., Lindsley D.H., Wang J., and Hauri E.H. (2010) Hydrous magmatism on Mars: A source of water for the surface and subsurface during the Amazonian. EPSL 292. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.028, 132–138.
Nekvasil H., McCubbin F.M., Harrington A.D., Elardo S.M., and Lindsley D.H. (2009) Linking the Chassigny meteorite and the Martian surface rock Backstay: Insights into igneous crustal differentiation processes on Mars. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 44, 853-869.
McCubbin F.M., Tosca N.J., Smirnov A., Nekvasil H., Lindsley D.H., Fries M., and Steele A. (2009) Hydrothermal jarosite and hematite in a pyroxene-hosted melt inclusion in martian meteorite MIL 03346: Implications for magmatic hydrothermal fluids on Mars. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 73, 4907-4917
McCubbin F.M. Nekvasil, H., Harrington A.D., Elardo S.M, and Lindsley D.H. (2008) Compositional diversity and stratification of the Martian crust: Inferences from crystallization experiments on the picrobasalt Humphrey from Gusev Crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research 113. doi:10.1029/2008JE003165.
McCubbin F.M. and Nekvasil H. (2008) Maskelynite-hosted apatite in the Chassigny meteorite: Insights into late-stage magmatic volatile evolution in Martian magmas. American Mineralogist 93: 676–684.
McCubbin F M., Mason H., Park H., Phillips B.L., Parise J. B., Nekvasil H., and Lindsley D.H. (2008) Synthesis and characterization of low-OH- fluor-chlorapatite: A single crystal XRD and NMR spectroscopic study. American Mineralogist 93, 210-216.
Nekvasil H., Filiberto J., Lindsley D.H. (2007) Alkalic parental magmas for the chassignites? Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42, 979-992.