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29th Conference on

"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Saturday April 9, 2022 

Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University


The online conference will begin at 9:00 AM

Everyone is welcome. Especially students.

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Meeting ID: 991 1328 5767

Passcode: 035030


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9:00 am Introduction


GN Hanson Stony Brook University
9:00 am9:15 am Introduction


Creating and Developing Engaging Rocks and Minerals Project Based Curriculum through Field Trips for Earth Science Students


GN Hanson

 L Melzer

Stony Brook University

Manhattan International HS

9:00 am9:30 am Introduction


Setauket Pond: An Anthropogenically Influenced Natural Laboratory to Study Boron Isotopes

GN Hanson

B Peritore
E  Spreen
D Downs
C Wright
J Hudson
K Wooton
ET Rasbury


Stony Brook University

 Stony Brook University

9:00 am9:45 am Introduction


Boron isotopes reveal differences in boron uptake in tomato plants from different sources

GN Hanson

T Rasbury
K Wooton
B Peritore
C Wright
M Passik
R Wooton
S Letscher
C Wong
A Clarke
M Doall


Stony Brook University

 Stony Brook University

9:00 am10:00 am Introduction


Employing Compound Discovery Techniques to Determine Occurrence and Fate of Trace Organic Contaminants in Long Island Residential Wastewater and Nitrogen Removing Biofilters 


GN HansonR Smolinski
CA McDonough
Stony Brook UniversityStony Brook University
9:00 am10:15 am Introduction


Decadal trends in groundwater and surface water nitrate concentrations in south-central Town of Brookhaven.


GN Hanson

D Tonjes

Stony Brook University

 Stony Brook University

9:00 am10:30  am Introduction




GN Hanson  Stony Brook University 
9:00 am10:45 am Introduction


Sunspots Number  Effect on Earth's Climate Change and How Water Sustainability is Influenced in Long Island, NY


GN HansonG Tentomas
AE Marsellos
Stony Brook UniversityHofstra University
9:00 am11:00 am Introduction


A Geospatial Analysis of the Sunspots Effect on Groundwater Levels in Long Island NY during 2002-2021


GN HansonAE Marsellos
KG Tsakiri
G Tentomas
Stony Brook UniversityHofstra University
9:00 am11:15 am Introduction


A Study of the flooding from Hurricane Ida on Staten Island, NY


GN HansonAI Benimoff Stony Brook UniversityCollege of Staten Island
9:00 am11:30 am Introduction


Long-term behavior of Long Island Ocean Beaches, East Hampton, NY

GN Hanson

H Bokuniewicz
M Wrobel
S Daly
J Pizaro


Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University
North Carolina State
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University

9:00 am11:45 am Introduction


Sediment mobility on the Long Island Continental Shelf

GN Hanson

Y Huang
S G Jang
H Bokuniewicz


Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University

9:00 am12 noon Introduction




GN Hanson  Stony Brook University 
9:00 am12:30 pm Introduction


Geological Solutions for Providing a Scientific Basis for Differing Site Condition Claims


GN Hanson

C Merguerian
JM Merguerian

Stony Brook University

 Duke Geological Lab.

9:00 am12:45 pm Introduction


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging of a Deep Test Well for Estimation of Aquifer and Confining-Unit Hydraulic Properties, Long Island, New York


GN Hanson

 F Stumm
JH Williams

Stony Brook University

 USGS Coram

9:00 am1:00 pm Introduction


The Making Groundwater Maps in Planning, Design, and Construction for Architectural and Engineering Projects on Long Island, NY


GN Hanson

 D Askins

Stony Brook University

 M & J Engineering

9:00 am1:15 pm Introduction


Luminescence Dating of Glacial Sediments at Hither Hills State Park, NY

GN Hanson

T Grandfield
M Frouin
D Davis
R Korman


Stony Brook University

 Stony Brook University

9:00 am1:30 pm Introduction


The Provenance and Ages of Glacial Sediments on Long Island

GN Hanson

T Plummer
M Potter
R Davies
SJ Jaret


Stony Brook University

AMNH & Queensboro CC

9:00 am1:45 pm Introduction


The Bear’s Den Granite, Bronx Zoo, NY
GN Hanson

SJ Jaret
N Tailby,
E DiPadova
ET Rasbury
K Wooton


Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University

9:00 am2:00 Introduction


End of presentations
GN Hanson  Stony Brook University