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Program for the Seventeenth Conference on

"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Saturday April 10, 2010

Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University


Link to Call for Papers for information on preparing the abstract. 

Speakers please note: All presentations will be in Power Point. Please bring your presentation on a flash drive or a CD. You may not use your laptop.

Attendance is Free. Registration is not necessary.

Those wishing to receive hours toward in-service credit can attend for any number of hours. You may attend only the field trip.
There is no charge.

Companies, agencies, schools, universities and colleges are encouraged
to display promotional or informational material at the conference at no cost.
Inform us by April 6th, if you would like to have a display.

Field Trip 
"Runoff Hydrology of Stony Brook Campus"
led by Gil Hanson

There is an e-mail link to the author(s). The link on the title goes to the abstract on the web.

There is a link to the abstract on the title.

Oral Presentations will be in room 123 Earth and Space Sciences Building




9:00 AM


Gilbert N. Hanson


Urbanization and Trends in Long Island Stream Base Flow

Daniel Rozell


Shallow Groundwater Quality in the Village of Patchogue, Suffolk County, New York

Irene Abbene


Recharge and Head: Preliminary Findings Using a Long-Term Data Set

Omkar Aphale
David Tonjes


The National Science Foundation’s Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG) Program at Stony Brook University

Paul Siegel




Defining microclimates on Long Island using interannual surface temperature records from satellite imagery

Deanne Rogers Katherine Schwarting
Gilbert N. Hanson


Characterizing Trends in Long Island Pine Barrens Vegetative Cover for 2000-2009 Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Station Data

Katherine Schwarting Deanne Rogers


Characterization of the Depositional Conditions within the Selden Hill Through Fabric Analysis of Exposed Till

Sean Tvelia

11:50 Newly Mapped Walloomsac Formation in Lower Manhattan and New York Harbor and the Implications for Engineers Cheryl Moss
12:10 Sediment Analysis of a Stratigraphic Sequence across the K-T Boundary, Manasquan River Basin, NJ J. Bret Bennington
Stephanie Hesselbarth
Michelle Lee
Julia Mazza

Provenance of Glacially Transported Quartz Pebbles on Long Island: Use of Pb Isotopes to Identify Far-traveled Components

Rachel Guryn
Jessica Conrad
Troy Rasbury
12:50 End of Presentations and Time for Lunch  

 Field Trip on "Runoff  Hydrology of Stony Brook Campus"

Gilbert N. Hanson