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Preliminary Program for the Sixteenth Conference on
"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday March 28, 2009
Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University
Link to Call for Papers for information on preparing the abstract.
Speakers please note: All presentations will be in Power Point. Please bring your
presentation on a flash drive or a CD. You may not use your laptop.
Attendance is Free. Registration is not necessary.
Those wishing to receive hours toward in-service credit can attend for any number
of hours.
You may attend only the field trip.
There is no charge.
Companies, agencies, schools, universities and colleges are encouraged
to display promotional or informational material at the conference at no cost.
Inform us by March 24, if you would like to have a display.
Summary of Program
9:00 a.m. |
Introduction |
9:10 a.m. |
Oral Presentations |
9:50 a.m. |
Poster Presenters |
10:10 a.m. |
Break |
10:40 a.m. |
Oral Presentations |
12:30 p.m. |
Lunch |
1:30 p.m. |
Meet in ESS 123 for Geology Field Trip to Avalon Park and Preserve, Stony Brook |
Bring an Umbrella for the Field Trip in Case of Rain!
There is an e-mail link to the author(s). The link on the title goes to the abstract
on the web.
There is a link to the abstract on the title.
Oral Presentations will be in the the Lecture Hall (ESS 001) Earth and Space Sciences
9:00 AM
G.N. Hanson
Redefining the Southern Terminus of the Intrusive Contact Between the Yonkers and
Fordham Gneiss in Van Cortlandt Park, New York City, New York
D.E. Isler D.A. Vellone C. Merguerian M. Merguerian
Oral |
50 Ka till-filled Pleistocene plunge pools and potholes found beneath the World Trace
Center site, New York, NY
C.J. Moss C. Merguerian
Oral |
Poster Presenters Give Oral Summary
View Posters
Oral |
Long-term Changes in the East Hampton Town Atlantic Ocean and Peconic Estuary Shorelines
and their Contiguous Dunes and Bluffs as Inferred from Historic Maps, Land Surveys,
Orthographic Vertical Photographs, LIDAR and Subcentimeter GPS Measurements
L. Penny M. Abramson Wm. Walsh
Oral |
Impact of Acid Rain and Fire on Soil pH in Dwarf Pine Plains, Long Island, New York
Pushpa Jha G.N. Hanson
Oral |
Ways to Define Contamination and Find a Source: Beaverdam Creek as an Example
D.J. Tonjes
Oral |
Evaluating nitrogen loss in Suffolk County Groundwater: Denitrification in Northport Public Supply wells
C. Young G.N. Hanson
Oral |
12:10 |
Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Manhasset Bay
T. Pick R.Coffey
Oral |
12:30 |
Lunch |
1:30 |
Geology of Avalon Park and Preserve meet in ESS 123 Return by 3:30 PM |
Posters |
Origin of Atlantic Coastal Plain Ponds in New York and New Jersey |
S. Zhang G.N. Hanson
Poster |
C. Young
G.N. Hanson
Poster |
Temporal and spatial distribution of benthic foraminifers in western Long Island Sound
V. Acosta
J. Rios C. McHugh A. Balbas H. Pant
Poster |
Distribution of Contaminated Sediments in Western Long Island Sound
A. Bowman C. McHugh
Poster |
Spatial and temporal distribution of heavy metals in western Long Island Sound
A. Balbas C. McHugh W. Vargas M-H. Cormier
Poster |
Late Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentation of a coastal system: Raritan and Sandy
Hook Bays, New Jersey
E. Klein C. McHugh
Poster |
Holocene Reefs and the Evolution of the Peconic ‘Oyster Terrain’
J.W. Kinney R.D. Flood
Poster |
New Insights on the Origin of the Peconic Bays from a New Detailed Bathymetric Map
R.D. Flood J.Kinney
Poster |