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Program for the Fifteenth Conference on

"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"

Saturday April 12, 2008 

Earth and Space Sciences Building - SUNY Stony Brook


Link to Call for Papers for information on preparing the abstract. 

Speakers please note: All presentations will be in Power Point. Please bring your presentation on a flash drive or a CD. You may not use your laptop.

Attendance is Free. Registration is not necessary.

Registration is only for teachers or professionals desiring 7.5 contact hours toward in-service credit.

 Those wishing to receive in-service credit for attending the Conference
must register at conference site before 9 a.m. There is no charge.

Companies, agencies, schools, universities and colleges are encouraged to display promotional or informational material at the conference at no cost. Inform us by April 8, if you would like to have a display.

Summary of Program

9:00 a.m. Introduction
9:10 a.m. Oral Presentations
10:10 a.m. Coffee Break
10:30 a.m. Oral Presentations
11:50 Lunch,
1:00 p.m. Oral presentations
2:30 p.m.  Field Trip Geology and Hydrology of Stony Brook Campus

Bring an Umbrella for the Field Trip in Case of Rain!

There is an e-mail link to the author(s). The link on the title goes to the abstract on the web.

There is a link to the abstract on the title.

Oral Presentations will be in the the Lecture Hall (ESS 001) Earth and Space Sciences Building




8:30 AM Registration, Coffee, View Posters  
9:00 Introduction G.N. Hanson
9:10 Glaciotectonic Thrusting within the Selden Hill: implications to previous models S. Tvelia
9:30 The Geology of the College of Staten Island Campus  A.I Benimoff
9:50 Bedrock Control of a Boulder-Filled Valley Under the World Trade Center Site C.J. Moss
C. Merguerian
10:10 Coffee Break  
10:30 Perchlorate in Bulk Precipitation and Turfgrass Systems, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY J.E. Munster
G.N. Hanson
W.A. Jackson
10:50 Annual Precipitation Pattern over Long Island based on Radar Data L. Zhou
G.N. Hanson
11:10 Real-Time Hydrologic Monitoring by the U.S. Geological Survey on Long Island and in the Five Boroughs of New York City  

Wm. Capurso
R. Busciolano

11:30 Changing source water to urbanized ER-LIS embayments and implications for water quality improvement using constructed wetlands T.T. Eaton
11:50  Lunch  

1:00  PM

Water management in a salt marsh for mosquito control leads to enhanced fish production  D.J. Tonjes
1:20 Seismic signal of wave attack on Long Island's southshore M. Slattery
H. Bokuniewicz 
1:40 Geothermal Energy J.W. Rhyner
2:00 Peconic Estuary "Oyster Terrain": Preservation of a Carbonate Mound Trangressive Sequence?   J.W. Kinney
2:20 Soil pH with depth in burnt and unburnt areas of the Dwarf Pine Plains P. Jha
G.N. Hanson
2:40 Geology of Stony Brook University Campus (in preparation for Field Trip) G.N. Hanson
3:00 - 4:30 Field Trip Geology and hydrology of Stony Brook University Campus G.N. Hanson