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Promotion of Instructional and Research Faculty

All complete promotion packages together with the Dean's approval letter should be sent to the Provost Faculty Affairs team to


Faculty who are hired in lecturer lines are traditionally expected to engage mainly with the teaching mission of the University. The opportunity to be appointed to the Senior Lecturer and Advanced Lecturer titles communicates to lecturer’s opportunities for professional growth, provides feedback on their achievements and recognizes their value and contributions to the University. Lecturers are eligible to participate in faculty meetings, but in general are not eligible to vote on most unit matters. The promotion can be initiated by the unit chair when the eligibility requirements have been met. All requests must be approved by the Dean and the Provost.

Within the official qualified rank of lecturer, three local titles are possible: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Advanced Senior Lecturer. Faculty who are hired in lecturer lines are traditionally expected to engage mainly with the teaching mission of the University. The opportunity to be appointed to the Senior Lecturer and Advanced Lecturer titles communicates to lecturer’s opportunities for professional growth, provides feedback on their achievements and recognizes their value and contributions to the University. Lecturers are eligible to participate in faculty meetings, but in general are not eligible to vote on most unit matters. The promotion can be initiated by the unit chair when the eligibility requirements have been met. All requests must be approved by the Dean and the Provost.

Within the official qualified rank of lecturer, three local titles are possible: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Advanced Senior Lecturer. The official SUNY title remains Lecturer. Below are some guidelines and information regarding processes related to lecturers. Below are some guidelines and information regarding processes related to lecturers.


For full-time (1.0FTE), the equivalent to the academic unit's normal load is expected.

Student advising and mentoring

Pre-major advising, major advising if appropriate (at academic unit's discretion), participation in graduate committees at graduate program's discretion.


Service to the academic unit (and college for the rank of Advancer Senior Lecturer) in the form of committee membership, curricular innovations, administrative roles, or enhancement of student life on campus.

Unit Governance

Eligible to attend unit meetings but not to vote on most unit matters, including personnel matters. At the discretion of the unit, non-tenure-track faculty whose primary duties include teaching may be included in votes on curriculum/teaching matters. Eligible to have voice in unit governance, with the exception of personnel matters, at the invitation of the unit.

Mentoring and Annual Evaluation

Lecturers should be evaluated by their academic unit on an annual basis. Evaluations are based on feedback on their teaching by  faculty and students and academic unit citizenship. New initiatives proposed and implemented (e.g., new pedagogical tools) are taken into consideration. The outcome of the evaluation and its recommendations should be communicated to the faculty member.

Eligibility for sabbatical

No schedule of sabbatical accrual.

Eligibility for Grants in Support of Scholarship


Eligibility for Promotion

Senior Lecturer: At least 6 years full time service to the academic unit in the rank of Lecturer or equivalent.

Advanced Senior Lecturer: At least 3 years full time service to the academic unit as Senior Lecturer or equivalent.

Criteria for Promotion

Evidence of excellence in teaching and contributions to pedagogy such as:

  1. Excellent evaluations by faculty and students
  2. Attention to pedagogy and best methods and practices in the discipline
  3. Assessment strategies which encourage learning outcomes and student growth
  4. Excellence in student mentoring
  5. Service to the academic unit (and college for the rank of Advancer Senior Lecturer) in the form of committee membership, curricular innovations, administrative roles, or enhancement of student life on campus

For promotion to Advanced Senior Lecturer, the candidate must show evidence of national or regional contributions to education.

Dossier Contents

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Current CV
  3. Tally of the votes by tenure/tenure-track faculty in the academic unit with a summarized reasoning behind negative votes and abstentions
  4. Statement of Teaching Philosophy. The statement should address:
          • Pedagogy and course content
          • Student success
          • Student mentoring
          • Assessment strategies which encourage learning outcomes and student growth

 5.  A statement that demonstrates a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment, including relevant goals and achievements. 

6.  Mentoring statement

7.  Service statement

8.  Teaching evaluations for each course taught in the last 3 years

9.  Two letters of recommendation from tenured/tenure-track faculty from the academic unit

10.  Three letters of recommendation from current or former students

11.  Letter from academic unit chair containing summary endorsement of the nomination

12.  The recommendation of the academic unit is then forwarded and evaluated by the Associate Deans, and the Dean of the relevant School/College who finalizes the decision

13.  Approved position compensation form if any salary review/adjustment increase is requested


Dossier for Advanced Level Must Also Include

Evidence of national or regional contributions to education such as:

  • Membership in professional committees, societies, or panels outside the university
  • Leadership of impactful collaborations or outreach with the local community
  • Mastery in the practice of teaching in the form of conference presentations, proceedings, or participation in national assessments of student outcomes
  • A statement that demonstrates a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment, including relevant goals and achievements.

Additional Considerations

  • Successful advancement to the Senior Lecturer rank may be accompanied by a three (3) year appointment and may involve a salary review/adjustment
  • Successful advancement to the Advanced Senior Lecturer rank may be accompanied by a three (3) year appointment with the anticipation of a further three (3) year appointment, and may involve a salary review/adjustment

Research Professors

Faculty who are hired in research professor lines are traditionally expected to engage mainly with the research mission of the University. To promote research faculty, the process follows a similar timeline as tenure-track faculty.  

To be eligible for promotion from Research Assistant Professor to Research Associate Professor, a faculty member must have 6 years of full-time service as Research Assistant Professor or equivalent. For Research Associate Professor to Research Professor, must have at least 3 years of full time service as Research Associate Professor or equivalent. 

The request for promotion may be submitted one year in advance of year 6/3 noted. The promotion can be initiated by the academic unit chair when the eligibility requirements have been met. All requests must be approved by the Dean and the Provost.


Research faculty appointments are intended for individuals whose primary activity is research.  There is no expectation for Research faculty to teach regularly scheduled classes. Teaching may be performed by a research faculty member, however commitment to teaching should be minimal (no more than .25FTE).

Student advising and mentoring

Participation in supervision and mentoring of postdoctoral fellows, junior research colleagues, or students at any level.


Service to the academic unit (and college for the rank of Associate or Full Research Professor) in the form of committee membership, curricular and research innovations, administrative roles, or enhancement of student life on campus. Service to the corresponding research community is also expected.

Unit Governance

Eligible to attend unit meetings but not to vote on most unit matters, including personnel matters. At the discretion of the unit, research faculty may be included in votes on research-related and graduate student/postdoc matters. Eligible to have voice in unit governance, with the exception of personnel matters, at the invitation of the unit.

Mentoring and Annual Evaluation

Research faculty should be evaluated by their academic unit on an annual basis. Evaluations are based on feedback on their scholarly activities and academic unit citizenship. New initiatives proposed and implemented (e.g., new research tools) are taken into consideration. The outcome of the evaluation and its recommendations should be communicated to the faculty member.

Eligibility for sabbatical

No schedule of sabbatical accrual.

Eligibility for Grants in Support of Scholarship


Eligibility for Promotion

Research Associate Professor: At least 6 years full time service to the academic unit in the rank of Research Assistant Professor or equivalent.

Research Professor: At least 3 years full time service to the academic unit as Research Associate Professor or equivalent.

Criteria for Promotion

Evidence of contributions to research such as:

  1. Record of peer-reviewed scholar activities including but not limited to publications, creative work or equivalent depending on the field of study
  2. National or international recognition in the field of study, as reflected e.g., in honors and awards or invited lectures
  3. Record of research funding representative of the discipline
  4. Proof of scholar independence as reflected in e.g., authorship of publications or creative works, leading role in funding enterprises or equivalent

For promotion to Associate Research Professor, the candidate should show strong local and national reputation on the basis of research productivity and contributions over several years consistent with that of a tenured associate professor.

For promotion to Research Professor, the candidate should show exemplary and sustained national and international reputation and achievements in research productivity and record equivalent to a tenured professor.

Dossier Contents

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Current CV
  3. Tally of the votes by tenure/tenure-track faculty in the academic unit with a summarized reasoning behind negative votes and abstentions
  4. Statement of Research
  5. A statement that demonstrates a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment, including relevant goals and achievements.  
  6. Mentoring statement
  7. Service statement
  8. Three letters of recommendation from tenured/tenure-track faculty from the academic unit
  9. Two letters of recommendation from current or former students or postdocs
  10. Letter from academic unit chair containing summary endorsement of the nomination
  11. The recommendation of the academic unit is then forwarded and evaluated by the Associate Deans, and the Dean of the relevant School/College who finalizes the decision
  12. Approved position compensation form if any salary review/adjustment increase is requested

Additional Considerations

  • Successful advancement to the Research Associate Professor rank may be accompanied by a three (3) year appointment and may involve a salary review/adjustment
  • Successful advancement to the Research Professor rank may be accompanied by a three (3) year appointment with the anticipation of a further three (3) year appointment, and may involve a salary review/adjustment

Professors of Practice

Lecturers and Visiting faculty may qualify for the local title of Professor of Practice. Professor of Practice is a renewable appointment not eligible for tenure. This title provides the possibility of promotion (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Practice).  
In general, Lecturer ranks are aligned with the Professor of Practice ranks:

  • Lecturer - Assistant Professor of Practice
  • Senior Lecturer - Associate Professor of Practice
  • Advanced Senior Lecturer - Professor of Practice

Eligibility and criteria for advancement are the same as those for corresponding lecturer ranks.






