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Sustainability Department Enhances Digital Energy Usage to Track and Improve Energy Management Across Stony Brook University's Campus

Stony Brook University’s Sustainability Department, in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness, has developed a new way to track energy usage across campus and at Stony Brook Hospital, paving the way for future energy-reduction projects and sustainability initiatives.

Energy Dashboard
Pictured: (L to R) Sean V. Hoffman, Senior Analytics Developer in the office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness seated next to Christian Guzman, Assistant Energy Manager in the Office of Energy Management.

The proprietary Energy Dashboard displays real-time energy usage across West, East and South campuses, as well as the Research & Development Park and Southampton’s campus. Users can toggle between total energy usage amounts and energy use intensity (EUI), measured as kBtu (kilo-British thermal unit) per square foot for each building on campus.

Annual Energy Costs are also displayed, along with tips to help reduce energy usage in an individual building based on building classification. For example, in the University’s Chemistry building, small changes such as keeping fume hood sashes closed, raising the temperature on lab freezers, and turning off lights when a room is not occupied can help conserve resources and decrease energy usage.

Each building's energy data is now able to be displayed  on a live dashboard showing energy consumption across time, and the percentage of total usage by energy type (heating, cooling and/or electric). The dashboard also allows viewers to compare energy usage between different buildings and includes a calendar that updates total energy usage for each day during the course of the year.

The Sustainability Department aims to increase data transparency of energy usage across campus in order to encourage University faculty, staff and students to conserve and better utilize resources as well as reach University goals associated with energy reduction.

To view a video demonstration of the updated website and dashboards, click here.