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STEM Adventures:
Bringing K-12 Students to Research Labs and Facilities 


Walt Whitman High School

Walt Whitman

Stony Brook University’s R&D Park was visited by students from the Walt Whitman High School on October 26, 2023. Teachers Fred Feraco and John Karavias brought twelve 9th and 10th graders from their Science Research classes to the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC) and the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) for the first high school tour of the 2023-2024 school year. This monthly program was started by the Office of Economic Development last year following a visit of the New York State Master Teachers, of which both Mr. Feraco and Mr. Karavias are members.

Students toured the renewable energy labs in the disciplines of battery storage, combustion, and hydrogen, before visiting the technology research of data stacks, VR Cave, and AI-driven robotics with Sunrise Technology, an incubator housed at CEWIT. Upon leaving the world’s largest immersive visualization experience, the Reality Deck,  Mr. Karavias remarked,“While looking at my student's reactions to their experiences, it was clear they had a great time learning a lot about the research being done at Stony Brook, and the local research facilities.”

Lunch was provided by industry partner Dayton T. Brown, where speakers Angela Chewning and Matthew May discussed workforce applications and skills in the career of a test engineer. Asked what other thoughts the teachers had about the tour, Mr. Feraco said, “The science research students from Walt Whitman HS had a great experience seeing and experiencing these state-of-the-art research facilities. The students will most certainly be excited to pursue new research topics after the field trip."

For information on how your school can take part in an R&D Field Trip, please contact

Organized by Derek O'Connor - Workforce Development Manager (Economic Development)