CEBIP at Stony Brook University Earns $100,000 Award From DOE for Innovative Lab to Market Program

America’s top minds are on the hunt for clean, renewable sources of energy and the jobs those new resources can create, driven by competition and financial incentives from the Department of Energy (DOE). Last month, the Clean Energy Business Incubator Program (CEBIP) at Stony Brook University was among the top ten incubators and accelerators in the country awarded $100,000 by the DOE for successfully completing the second of three phases in a year-long competition conducted by the DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions (OTT). The competition, the American-Made Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC) Prize, is designed to incentivize regional incubators that implement high-impact ideas to support energy startups and entrepreneurs.
CEBIP’s entry in the program, which passed the first hurdle last December, is called Clean Energy Technology Transfer (CETX). CETX addresses a significant gap to commercialize licensable, hard-tech clean energy-related intellectual property (IP) developed by national laboratories. By leveraging CEBIP’s ability to provide assistance and resources for entrepreneurs and developers of disruptive renewable and clean energy technologies, the CETX program is designed to locate, assess and connect marketable clean energy, hard-tech IP with entrepreneurs and partners who can commercialize the technology and ideas into actual products.
"CEBIP's focus includes training and supporting a new generation of entrepreneurs and the clean-tech jobs their start-ups create, making a strong economic development impact in New York and beyond.”— Heidi Anderson, CEBIP
Executive Director |
“The focus of CEBIP is far-reaching and includes training and supporting a new generation of entrepreneurs and the clean-tech jobs their start-ups create, making a strong economic development impact here in New York and beyond,” said Heidi Anderson, CEBIP Executive Director. “Since its inception in 2011, CEBIP has nurtured more than 50 companies – many from early-stage. We train and support CEBIP Clean Energy Founders and CETX Fellows as they launch and scale hardware-based clean energy solutions.”
“The CETX program has enabled entrepreneurial students to obtain hands-on experience in a real-world clean energy project under the experienced guidance of CEBIP and our partners,” said Shruti Sharma, CEBIP Portfolio Manager and CETX Program Leader. “This award validates the team’s focus, hard work and dedication in achieving our project goals.”
About the DOE American Made Challenges EPIC Competition
The competition began with 40 new and emerging or established incubator programs competing
for ways to best deliver the DOE’s lab-to-market-ready goals. CEBIP’s CETX program
passed the first hurdle, where it became one of 20 competitors to earn $50,000 in
the Design It! Phase. CEBIP is now one of 10 competitors vying for a top four spot.
These top four programs will share in an additional $2 Million award. CEBIP is investing
its awarded cash into further developing and implementing the CETX program.
The CEBIP / CETX program, with the support of multiple organizations and partners,
accomplished a number of significant goals:
1. Training CETX Fellows – a diverse group of 26 students were recruited as CETX Program
Fellows who received hands-on training, powered by NY I-Corps Hub. Three Fellows are
continuing to the next phase, working side-by-side with clean-tech industry founders,
seasoned executives and educators.
2. Building National Labs (NL) Intellectual Property (IP) Navigation – CEBIP is developing
a unique navigation system for uncovering IP held by prestigious NLs.
3. Deepening NL Relationships – CEBIP is fostering stronger relationships with the
national labs.
4. Acting as a hub for multiple regional organizations – this endeavor involves coordination,
guidance and support from many organizations. CEBIP received support and commentary
from elected officials, industry executives, economic development organizations, universities,
IP counsel and utilities.
Here are some supporting statements CEBIP received for the CETX program:
Charles E. Schumer, United States Senator for New York and Senate Majority Leader
“Stony Brook’s Clean Energy Business Incubator Program has identified a critical void
in services available to clean-energy startups on Long Island, which must be filled
in order to commercialize innovations in clean energy that work to address climate
change. CEBIP is also committed to the development of a diverse cleantech workforce
that builds ladders of opportunity for people of different educational and socioeconomic
backgrounds to engage in creating the clean energy technologies of the future. That’s
why I was proud to support SBU’s CEBIP application for funding and help secure funding.”
Andrew Hoffman, Lead Scientist, General Electric Research
“CEBIP’s CETX program echoes our goal of accelerating the energy transition. […] It
creates a wonderful platform for helping to realize a clean energy future, while also
firing up a new wave of bright minds to aid in tackling the issue of climate change.”
Sandler Dolder, Senior Vice President, NYC/EDC Smart & Sustainable Cities and Industry
“With this level of success in less than four months, the CETX pilot has already delivered
value to identify potential climate tech solutions for the NYC region and energize
future entrepreneurs.”
Robert B. Catell, Chairman, AERTC and NOWRDC
“CETX is accelerating lab-to-market development of cutting-edge national lab hard-tech
that can deliver clean energy solutions. CEBIP’s multi-pronged approach to building
trusted partnerships with NLs and industry partners enables stakeholders to leverage
their individual strengths as they collaborate to fast-track technology commercialization.”
The Clean Energy Business Incubator Program (CEBIP) at Stony Brook University launches
next-generation, clean energy-based solutions to meet the nation’s increasing energy
demands. CEBIP, part of the Long Island High Technology Incubator (LIHTI), is the
only New York metro regional resource solely focused on hard-tech energy solutions,
from proof-of-concept (POC) through commercialization. Incubator companies benefit
from CEBIP’s relationship with NYSERDA, Stony Brook University (SBU), Brookhaven National
Lab (BNL) and other national labs. CEBIP is enabling Climate Justice and accelerating
decarbonization by fostering a critical ecosystem of private and public entities including
entrepreneurs and developers of disruptive renewable and clean energy technologies.
Together, they are transforming the energy profile of built environments, transportation,
hydrogen, and energy storage verticals. More information at
Heidi Anderson
Clean Energy Business Incubator Program (CEBIP)
email us here