A team from Stony Brook University won the SUNY Startup Summer School (S4) Class of
2021 Demo Day quick pitch competition on August 11, designed to showcase grant proposals
and research of 153 SUNY students and faculty in the emerging technologies fields.
The winning startup, Orchid Imaging, is led by David Gu, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor in SBU’s Department of Computer Science; Rong Zhao, director of the Software Systems Division at Stony Brook’s Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT); and Shikui Chen, associate professor in Stony Brook’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.

SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras virtually presented the winning check to Orchid Imaging.
“Winning this pitch competition means a great deal to us,” said Professor Zhao, Orchid’s
commercialization lead. “We are immensely grateful for the unique opportunities and
much-needed resources offered by SUNY and the University for us to pursue innovations
and entrepreneurship.”
Orchid Imaging was formed in 2020 to commercialize 3D imaging technologies invented
at Stony Brook University by Professor Gu, which includes a high-performance 3D scanner
and an image analysis software based on his research in computational conformal geometry.
Through numerous grants funded by federal agencies and industry sponsors, Gu has been
developing medical applications for many years. For example, in virtual colonoscopy,
companies such as GE and Siemens have licensed from SBU his conformal flattening method
for CT image registration and polyp detection. Adding to his software innovations,
Gu has designed and prototyped multiple generations of 3D scanner hardware in his
lab at CEWIT. Stony Brook University’s Intellectual Property Partners (IPP) office
has filed a patent application on this invention, which Orchid has signed an option
agreement to license and commercialize.
“3D scanning creates an extremely accurate digital twin for doctors to evaluate the
patient in a more insightful way,” explained Professor Gu. “A digital twin is a virtual
representation of a person, object or process that provides a bridge between the physical
and digital worlds. Our technology precisely captures and automatically compares the
patient’s skin, allowing doctors to identify and measure changes both efficiently
and effectively.”

Orchid Imaging’s 3D scanner
Orchid’s focus is early detection of skin cancer, the most common cancer in the United
States. The company is partnering with Stony Brook Dermatology and other clinics to
develop a 3D full-body scanning system and to demonstrate that its skin analysis software
can identify and track nevi at a level of accuracy that makes this technology feasible
for skin cancer screening. This technology can also be used by orthodontists, oral
surgeons and plastic surgeons for treatment planning, evaluation and adjustment, thereby
improving the clinical outcome and patient satisfaction.
“Stony Brook University supports and nurtures young startups through our Economic
Development incubator system. Our Centers of Excellence, supported through NYSTAR
funding, help to develop and foster great ideas and research,” said Peter Donnelly,
Associate Vice President for Technology Development. “Dr. Zhao and his team at Orchid
have begun their journey to success, and Stony Brook is proud to be a part of this
journey and help in any way we can.”
“Being an entrepreneur takes a strong team working together collaboratively, and that’s
especially the case with breakthrough research,” said SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras.
“Programs like the SUNY Startup Summer School help to give our students, faculty and
staff opportunities where they wouldn’t have them otherwise. Our SUNY participants
are helping spur innovation crucial to society. I’m excited by what we’re doing —
and we need to do more. This is where we give students — no matter their background
— opportunities to succeed. My congratulations to this year’s winners from Stony Brook
University and Upstate Medical, as well as all the participants that made this year’s
competition a success.”
S4 provides faculty, students and staff with the knowledge and networks that will
enable them to commercialize breakthrough technology, and offers virtual accelerated
entrepreneurial education and training for participants to help them secure the initial
funding needed to get their technology to market.
Orchid Imaging, in addition to earning a $10,000 S4 Technology Accelerator Fund Catalyst
Investment, will also receive follow-on support from SUNY to identify and write strong
proposals for grant funding, which will allow the team to continue commercializing
its technology.
The other Stony Brook entry in the S4 quick pitch competition,
Downtown Dating, won the People’s Choice Award.