Zachary Lerman
Zachary Lerman is the Senior Software and Data Science Analyst of the Center of Excellence
in Wireless Information Technology (CEWIT). Zachary graduated from Stony Brook University
with a Masters of Science in Computer Science, following his completion of a dual
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.
During his undergraduate research at university, Zachary was involved in funded healthcare research projects in collaboration between CEWIT and the Renaissance School of Medicine relating to population health and mortality, leveraging big data analytic techniques to provide insight in unstructured data. Later in his career Zachary was selected to work with Dr. Rong Zhao to create the New York Health Data Guide web application. This research project involved the creation of a portal that allowed for data analysts to immerse themselves in the vast quantities of data that were collected, managed, and manipulated throughout the project. This research was conducted in collaboration with the Center For Health Workforce Studies, and the creation of this platform was instrumental in making the New York State’s data on population demographics, health outcomes, and health care system and workforce available to the public.
For his graduate research at university, Zachary worked on a number of different funded initiatives designing advanced machine learning and computer vision algorithms. Zachary has expertise in and created novel work for applications in Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, and Virtual Reality.
Zachary has worked closely with Center Affiliated faculty and industry partners on frontier research that delivers real impact across a number of different business applications. Zachary leads the development of software applications for joint research and technology development projects with partners in industry sectors where information technology plays an increasingly important role, such as healthcare, energy / sustainability, and defense / intelligence. Zachary believes in applying analytical models to business use cases in order to deliver exceptional value, and is a passionate life long learner who consistently works to bring industry best practices into the Center.