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11.1. General Policies

  1. Support for Chemistry Ph.D. students includes two parts. Each full-time student in good standing (See Section 12) normally receives (1) a stipend and (2) an award of tuition expenses (Graduate Tuition Scholarship). Only full-time students are eligible for State or Research Foundation support.
  2. It is the policy of the Chemistry Department to provide this support for all full-time Ph.D. students who:

    a) After qualification to a degree, are in good standing (see Section 12); or

    b) Before qualification to a degree, meet the minimum MS standard GPA of 2.67 in scientific graduate courses after two or more semesters.
  3. Since many of the sources of funds for this support are not under the Department's control, this policy is subject to the availability of funds. In case the number of students for whom support as teaching or graduate assistants is requested exceeds the number of positions available, support will be awarded according to the following priorities:

    a) First year students admitted with a commitment of TA support whose academic performance meets the minimum MS standards (GPA ≥ 2.67).

    b) Continuing students in good standing for whom support as a research assistant is unavailable.

    c) Continuing students on departmental probation, or students before qualification whose academic performance lies below the minimum MS standards.

    Previous performance as a TA is a consideration in awarding TA positions.

11.2. Sources of Funds for Stipends for Graduate Students

  1. New York State funds made available to the Department. Such funds for support come as grants called Graduate or Teaching Assistantships (GA or TA). Recipients serve as GAs or TAs and may continue to serve and receive the stipend only as long as their performance is satisfactory. TAs must be registered for CHE 610/611 Practicum in Teaching.
  2. Faculty members' research grants often include budget categories for graduate student support. Such support comes as grants known as Research Assistantships (RAs). Where appropriate, RAs may be awarded to entering graduate students. A faculty member should explain to any prospective student the financial situations related to research in their research group.
  3. At times, federal, foundation, or industrial grants to the University or the Department are available for support of graduate students.

11.3. Tuition Awards

Graduate Tuition Scholarships are an indirect form of support for full-time Ph.D. students to cover their tuition costs.

  1. Except under extraordinary circumstances, only those students receiving a State assistantship, traineeship, State or State-administered fellowship, or Research Foundation support are eligible for a tuition award.
  2. Because only full-time students are eligible for State or Research Foundation support and the associated tuition award, those who drop below a full-time program by not registering for the required number of credits for their Graduate Student Level (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5) by the 15th day of any semester will lose their support and be responsible for tuition.
  3. A tuition award does not relieve the student from late registration fees.
  4. These regulations apply to all semesters (Fall, Spring, and Summer) and any late registration fees assessed cannot be waived by the student's advisor, the Department Chair, or the Graduate School.