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Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB) at Stony Brook University is one of many AEMB chapters. We are an honor society specifically made for Biomedical Engineering students. Our mission is to help our members in various ways by hosting career development, networking, skill development, and community service oriented events.
AEMB organizes a variety of events and workshops throughout the semester that allow you to make friends and have some fun, build on professional development and attend national conferences. They also collaborate with other CEAS clubs and orgs as well!
Spring : Engineering in the Kitchen, Cookie Decorating, Engineering Ball, Induction Ceremony, and more!
Pi Tau Sigma Mehanical Engineering Honor Society (PTS) encourages and recognizes superior scholarship, to foster the high ideals of the engineering profession, to stimulate interest in mechanical engineering program activities, to promote the mutual professional welfare of its members, and to develop in mechanical engineering students the attributes necessary for effective leadership and civic responsibilities.
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (TBP), founded in 1885, is the world's oldest
and most prestigious engineering honor society. The organization is comprised of over
200 collegiate chapters across the United States, all filled with fellow engineers
striving to be the best in our fields whilst maintaining integrity and strong morale.
Our chapter, New York Omicron, hosts a variety of academic, professional, and social
events that are open for anyone to attend. These events aid students in finding research
or internship positions, learning professional etiquette, preparing for graduate school,
applying to jobs, and professional networking. They can also be a fun way to relax
with other fellow engineers or learn skills in other engineering fields.
Juniors who rank in the top eighth of their class and seniors who rank in the top
fifth of their engineering class are invited to become candidates for membership in
Tau Beta Pi.
Tau Beta Pi organizes a variety of events and workshops throughout the semester that allow you to make friends, have some fun, and build on professional development. They also collaborate with other CEAS clubs and organizations as well!
Fall: Pi a Professor
Spring: Engineering Ball (Spring 2025 only)
Each semester: Induction Ceremony
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