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Professional English Pronunciation

We all make quick judgments based on first impressions. And we constantly evaluate others based on what they say and how they say it.

Do you have to repeat yourself to be understood?

Do you avoid social situations because the conversation is difficult?

Are your clients frustrated by representatives who are difficult to understand?

Clear communication is essential for relaying information accurately and efficiently. Speaking in a manner that is easy to hear, better understood, and engages the interest and attention of the listener facilitates a great first impression.

This workshop will focus on the principles of pronunciation that affect the sound, rhythm, and intonation patterns of American English. It is designed to provide participants with the tools to improve the clarity and accuracy of their speech.

Who Should Attend

  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Staff professionals in variety of fields: Business, Finance, Engineering, Medical, Technology. Human Resources, and Customer Service
  • Anyone who seeks to improve verbal communication skills

What you will learn

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop awareness of sound features
  • Learn phonologic rules for pronunciation
  • Practice pronunciation differences common to all participants
  • Use key, pitch, and stress patterns in American English
  • Role-play professional communication situations
  • Identify transfer activities to integrate skills into work and social situations
  • Incorporate vocabulary specific to professional situations





Improve the clarity and accuracy of your speech.

Register for the Professional English Pronunciation Workshop


Anne Marie Strauss headshot

Anne Marie Strauss


Anne Marie Strauss is an Executive Speech Coach and specialist in communications, public speaking, accent modification, and leadership communication. She is a New York State licensed speech-language pathologist. She holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence from the (ASHA), The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is also a New York State Certified Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped and holds a specialty certification in Accent Modification Training from the Institute of Language and Phonology in California.

Her background is in education, working with students with special needs from infants to adults. This experience has provided her with great insight into learning and strategies to facilitate learning. Over the past five years, she has shared these insights with her adult clients working in the corporate setting, helping them successfully communicate. She offers individual coaching and corporate classes for professional development, Her programs are customized to meet the client's needs and enable participants to adjust their communication style and become a more confident speaker. Each individual is different, and she customizes her lessons to meet the learning needs of each individual to maximize outcomes.