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Simran Multani '23
BS Chemistry
Pronouns: she/her

simran multani

How did you hear about Stony Brook University?
I was born in Brooklyn and raised in the Caribbean Island, Antigua and Barbuda, where my mother is from. I always heard about all the great research being done at SBU and the collaborations with Brookhaven National Lab, and this really piqued my interest in the school.

On Stony Brook:
I chose Stony Brook because I knew that I wanted to pursue STEM. I was aware of the academically rigorous STEM programs at Stony Brook in addition to the high exposure to research that I would receive. .

On her major:
I am a Chemistry major with a concentration in biological chemistry. I actually declared chemistry after having an amazing experience in my general chemistry courses with Dr. Amarante and Dr. Nagan who offered such amazing support and went far and beyond for their students. I knew that I was going to be a chemistry major after that class because in it,I found the supportive community I was looking for. This experience continued in the major where I crossed paths with even more professors such as Dr. Carrico, Dr. Katsamanis, Dr. Drueckhammer and Dr. Bhatia, as well as others who were extremely helpful in learning difficult courses such as Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry. I even became teaching assistants for some of these courses in my junior and senior years because I felt the need to give back to the community that ensured my success. I can also reflect on the countless times that I have simply walked into Katherine Hughes' office with a list of issues and left with most, if not all, of them resolved. I have also had the amazing opportunity to conduct research in the Department of Chemistry with Dr. Elizabeth Boon and my PhD mentor, Alicia Mendoza, and they both have been supportive and helpful to me. I can wholeheartedly say that the chemistry major is one with immense support and passionate people and I am happy that I made the choice.

Favorite Class:
My favorite class was probably BIO 362. I can truly say that this class really forced me to step out of my comfort zone and get creative with my studying styles and learning habits. Although this class was difficult, I found myself thinking about the concepts outside of class and reading research papers and other external sources to further my understanding. I was extremely engaged and I really enjoyed the material because I knew itsreal world impact.

Interests and Accomplishments:
I have a deep appreciation for exploring and traveling to new destinations across the globe. One of my most treasured experiences was when I journeyed to Dubai and marveled at the grandeur of the Burj Khalifa. My fascination with different cultures and religious practices fuels my curiosity and desire to understand diverse perspectives.

Beyond travel, I am an avid reader, an adventurous coffee enthusiast, and an orchid connoisseur. Moreover, I am committed to promoting diversity in STEM fields, and as a West Indian woman, I am a dedicated advocate for marginalized groups. In particular, I am passionate about narrowing the healthcare gap for minority communities, an interest that has been fostered by my strong ties to the medical field.

During my time at SBU, I seized the opportunity to forge new connections and expand my network of mentors and mentees. I place great value on the power of active listening, and I am grateful for the insights I have gained from those who have come before me. My experience as a teaching assistant for multiple courses and as a resident assistant provided a particularly illuminating perspective on the benefits of networking both upward and across. The people I have met and worked with have enriched my understanding of the world, and I am eager to continue learning and growing in the years to come.

Greatest Achievement:
I take immense pride in being the first in my family to attend college, it is a true milestone for me. Completing an undergraduate honors thesis in chemistry was no easy feat - I recall many times where I sacrificed hanging out with friends to stay in the lab and perfect my experiments. But in the end, all the hard work and determination paid off, and the feeling of accomplishment was truly rewarding. This experience has motivated me to strive for even greater achievements and to use my education to make a positive impact.

Awards & Accolades:
-Dean’s List
-Inaugural SOAR Fellow
-Inaugural Frances Velay Fellow
-Brookhaven National Lab Fellow
-Persevere Scholarship Recipient
-Money Smart Seawolves Recipient
-Prime Minister’s Scholarship Recipient
-CSTEP Poster Award for Natural Sciences
-Renaissance School of Medicine PACE Scholar
-Top Female Student Antigua & Barbuda CSEC Examination

Plans for post-graduation:
My passion for researching infectious diseases remains unwavering and I am excited to continue my ongoing projects. Additionally, I am embarking on a new research project to examine the healthcare disparities that disproportionately affect minority communities. Ultimately, I aim to attend medical school to further pursue my interest in this critical field. I hope to be a surgeon in the future. 

Clubs and Organizations:
-AMWA (American Medical Women’s Association) Event Coordinator
-SB English Pals Treasurer
-Dean’s Student Advisory Council Member
Student National Medical Association Member
CSTEP (Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program)
Stony Brook Statesman Member
Boon Lab Researcher
Academic Success and Tutoring Center
Resident Assistant- Eisenhower Hall
ASBN (American Society of Black Neurosurgeons)

Advice for potential Seawolves:
I would definitely emphasize the importance of talking to people and reaching out for help. As a freshman, I had just moved to New York, and it was very difficult for me to navigate everything on my own as a new student away from my parents and home. I also had the unique path of beginning my freshman year in the spring semester which made scheduling classes and balancing my schedule kind of tricky. However, I can confidently say that I was able to navigate this and all of the other hurdles that came my way simply because I was not afraid to pick up the phone to call and ask questions. I would also stress to students to utilize all of the resources available to them. Growing up, I was someone who never really needed assistance academically, however coming to college made me realize that it is okay to need extra assistance for difficult classes and I made use of the tutoring center and my professor’s and TA’s office hours. One last thing - if you did not understand something in your lecture, don’t wait until the last minute to try to figure it out. Lastly, EAT ALL YOUR PANCAKES. Every lecture at Stony Brook is like a pancake. If you let them stack up without understanding them, then you're left with a mountain that you cannot eat alone. So don’t be the person who doesn’t eat their pancakes.

Favorite SBU Memory:
One of the things I will remember most about my time at Stony Brook is the friendships I made. I met so many incredible people who challenged me, supported me, and made me laugh. Some of my best memories are just hanging out with friends in the dorms, spending time in the union socializing, walking the zebra path or exploring Long Island together. I also had  amazing professors who really inspired me and helped me grow as a person and a student. Overall, I will always look back on my time at Stony Brook with fondness and gratitude for the people who made it such a special experience.

Simran  Simran photo