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Kendy Thegeniste '21
BS Chemistry
Minor in French


Favorite class:
My favorite class was Computational Chemistry because I was excited about learning how to code even though it was a tough class. 

Favorite French class:
My favorite French class was FRN 312, because I had the chance to revise my grammar as I had gotten so rusty in the past few years. 

How will you use your French language skills?
I believe that I will use my fantastic French mostly when I visit some countries in Europe and Africa. 

Greatest accomplishment:
I came to the U.S. 10 years ago. During my first year in America I did not think of earning a degree in a school with such a reputation, so that can be considered as my greatest achievement and I gave up a lot to earn it.

Plans for post-graduation:
After graduation, my main focus will be on getting a job in a pharmaceutical company (Drug or cosmetics).

Advice for future Seawolves?
My greatest advice for the future Seawolves is to stay focused and have a plan, because without a PLAN you can’t achieve anything and at the end it will be nothing but a WISH.

Parting thoughts:
I have faced lots of challenges in that journey however, I stayed put and never doubted myself even when I stumbled, and I would never trade those moments for anything else. Best and toughest moments in my life.