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Kevin Tan '19
BS Chemistry

Kevin TanWhy Stony Brook?
I heard about Stony Brook because many students from my high school also applied to and were attending the University. I chose to study here because I knew that it had a very strong science program that would prepare me well for my future career as a physician. I also really liked that Stony Brook was close enough to home so I could visit whenever I wanted to.

On the College of Arts and Sciences:
I think one of the best parts of the College is  the faculty. Many, if not all of my professors have been extremely dedicated to their students, going above and beyond just standing at the front of a lecture hall. They truly do what they can to help their students succeed, whether that be holding extra office hours or allowing an interested student to work as a research assistant in their lab.

On his major: 
I was originally a biology major, but after taking organic chemistry, I realized how much I love chemistry. It is in my chemistry classes where I feel that I have the most opportunity to think critically and practice my problem solving skills. The classes can seem daunting at times, but I always learn so much. I’m also happy that I’ve had the opportunity to be a TA so I can help other people love chemistry as much as I do.

On his favorite classes:
Out of all the classes that I’ve taken, my favorite is CHE 376, Inorganic Chemistry II, with Dr. Andreas Mayr.

On his greatest achievement:
Academically, I would say my biggest achievement is having my research published in a peer-reviewed journal. Outside of school, my proudest accomplishment is having run the Brooklyn Marathon.

On his activities:
I am a member of Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity.

After graduation, I will be attending Stony Brook Medicine studying to become a physician.

Advice to new students?
Make friends and develop a support system! I absolutely would not have been as successful as I have been in college without my friends. They’re always there to help and support me. College is hard, and it’s nice to have people going through the same struggles that you are. You’ll have people to work hard and study with, but more importantly, you’ll also have people to have fun and make memories with.