James Breton '19
BS Chemistry
James Breton ‘19, BS Chemistry, first became interested in his major while he was
in high school at the Academy for Software Engineering, Manhattan, NY. His AP Chemistry
teacher sparked his interest, motivating and supporting him in his decision to study
the science.
James heard about Stony Brook University from the Guidance Office at his high school. The fact that there is an Educational Opportunity Program/Advancement on Individual Merit (EOP/AIM), combined with the College of Arts and Sciences well-known Departments of Physics and Chemistry, solidified Stony Brook as one of James’s top choices. He decided to enroll as a Chemistry major with a concentration in Chemical Physics, as well as a minor in Africana Studies.
One of James’s most notable mentors is Dr. Charles Robbins, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. “He has been a mentor to me because he provides great perspective and advice in many of my academic and professional pursuits,” James explains.
James says that his greatest achievement at Stony Brook has been his attainment of a BS in Chemistry in three years, instead of the usual four. This is particularly significant due to the fact that he had a rough start freshman year, dealing with a broken laptop and chronic illness. “It was a very busy and mentally draining time of my life, but I think that through it I have grown and become a stronger person for it,” he says.
In addition, James does research in the lab of Professor Surita Bhatia, Department of Chemistry, where his current project involves the rheology of soft gels and materials. He was recognized for this work in February 2019, when he was named URECA Researcher of the Month. He also participated in an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at Kansas State University this past summer. Last fall, James was selected to be a part of the MIT ACCESS Program, which seeks to increase the diversity of qualified applicants in such fields as chemistry and chemical engineering. He is also a General Chemistry tutor and a TA for the EOP/AIM Pre-Freshman Summer Academy.
Incredibly involved on campus, James is part of the Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB) and Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE), founded to acknowledge the successful students in the EOP/AIM Program.
Following graduation, James will be staying at Stony Brook to complete his master’s degree in Chemistry. He hopes to one day become a professor of Chemistry, and manage a research group. One of his dreams is to encourage more diversity in the STEM fields.
James’s advice for incoming students is to stay confident in the face of adversity. “It can be easy to quit and just do nothing, but I would advise you to stay positive! You’ll never know the incredible places you’ll get to see and the extraordinary people you'll get to meet, if you stop working towards your goals.”