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Laci Burton

Major: english
Minors: Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Program in Writing and Rhetoric

Person in a green top smiling in a well-lit atrium with skylights and multiple levels.

Laci is a senior English major with minors in writing and rhetoric and women’s, gender and sexuality studies. She is also a member and forever fellow of the University Scholars Program. In addition to working as a tutor at the Writing Center, Laci has been a TA for two courses, EGL 204 and WRT 102, and this semester she is once again serving as a TA for WRT 102. Laci has held internships with the National Humanities Center and with the Herstory Writers Network. She is president of Alpha Nu Zeta, the Stony Brook chapter of Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society, and she volunteers on the University’s Academic Judiciary Council. Laci received the Thomas Rogers Award for the most outstanding paper written in an English course; several academic achievement awards for having a 4.0 GPA multiple semesters in a row; and an Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship. This past summer, Laci did independent archival research at the Library of Congress through a URECA summer research grant. This is Laci’s second year serving on the Dean’s Student Advisory Council.