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College Leadership
- David WrobelProfessor of American HistoryDean, College of Arts and Sciences
- AnnaMaria GounarisCollege of Arts and SciencesAssistant to the Dean
- Surita BhatiaProfessor, Department of ChemistryAssociate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Community
- Paul KeltonDepartment of HistoryAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Andreas KoenigProfessor, Department of AnthropologyAssociate Dean for Finance and Strategic Planning
- Bonita LondonProfessor, Department of Psychology Associate Dean for Research Development and Communications
- Lois Carter College of Arts and Sciences Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Personnel
- Erica HackleyCollege of Arts and SciencesAssistant Dean for Academic Planning
- Ming HuangCollege of Arts and SciencesAssistant Dean for Budget
- Edward J. McFaddenCollege of Arts and SciencesAssistant Dean for Operations
- Rachel RodriguezCollege of Arts and SciencesDirector of Communications
- Soraya ZabihiCollege of Arts and SciencesDirector of Research and Assessment