Welcome to the Collaborative for the Earth (C4E)
The C4E builds upon Stony Brook’s robust academic tradition and strengths, including
the university’s historic role in banning DDT, its MacArthur-winning biological conservationists,
its Pew-winning ecologists, its leaders in developing clean energy technologies, and
its Nobel-winning climate scientists. Now spurred by our selection as the anchor institution
for the New York Climate Exchange, we are in a position to lead in developing solutions
to existential global threats and leverage Stony Brook’s unique opportunity to effect
The C4E will facilite activities geared toward solving the major environmental challenges of the 21st century by bringing together individuals and organizations on campus and beyond.
Initial aims of the C4E include hosting an environmental debate on campus focused on Earth system challenges designed to place Stony Brook at the forefront of thought and action; developing interdisciplinary graduate, professional, and continuing education programs; and guiding campus-wide conversations on how to maximize our potential in defining and implementing solutions to global environmental challenges.
Contact Us
Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library Suite E2360
100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794
Email: c4e@stonybrook.edu
Phone: 631-632-4625
- Heather Lynch, Ph.DDirectorheather.lynch@stonybrook.edu
- Kevin Reed, Ph.DAssociate Provost for Climate and Sustainability Programmingkevin.reed@stonybrook.edu
- Jennifer GildayProgram ManagerCollaborative for the Earth/Climate and Sustainability Programming jennifer.gilday@stonybrook.edu
- Kaitlin GiglioResearch OceanographerClimate and Sustainability Programming kaitlin.giglio@stonybrook.edu