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BIOLOGY ONLINE at Stony Brook University  - Fostering Independent Innovative Thinking within a Collaborative Learning Environment.

We are committed to providing quality, rigorous biology courses  to students world wide. Our courses are designed for ease of navigation, peer-to peer learning, and the integration of content knowledge with critical scientific thought.

Our goals are:

First, to increase student knowledge in the content areas of our courses. Second, to increase their scientific and critical thinking skills.  Third, to create a democratized student learning environment to facilitate innovative thought.  Lastly, our courses insist on academic rigor and high academic integrity. 

We currently offer one undergraduate fundamental biology course, two required upper division Biochemistry Lecture courses,  two popular upper division biology elective courses, and one 200 level course covering the current issues in cannibis use.  More to follow.

 We welcome students from outside the Long Island and Metropolitan NY area.   See individual courses for more info. We also offer a graduate course completely online designed for anyone interested in how evolution has created humans and our current world. 

Stony Brook University has been approved by the State of New York to participate in the National Council for State Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of post secondary distance education.