AMO physics
The language of atoms and molecules
Different disciplines of physics and chemistry converge into atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics. This admixture of disciplines is, in our view, what makes AMO a fascinating and intriguing field of research. Therefore, if one enjoys studying several fields of physics and chemistry, AMO physics is the best choice.
The beauty of AMO physics
If you have an open-minded vision of science and want to discuss physics and chemistry, we are always ready for it.
Our philosophy
Every single field may be exciting, and every single idea may be worthy of thinking about it.
New Cambridge Elements
About this Cambridge Elements series
Elements in Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Atomic and Molecular Systems presents novel atomic and molecular systems as a platform to study physics beyond the Standard Model, based on the synergy between high energy physics and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. The series covers several key areas of interest in this emerging field including:
- Foundations of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- High energy physics at the sensitivity frontier
- High precision spectroscopy
- Exotic atoms and molecules
- Quantum technologies for new physics searches
Few-body ensemble
The few-body ensemble