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Connecting Science Communication Research with Action

Below is a curated selection of features from the field of science communication written by collaborators.


Testifying Before Congress on Daylight Saving Time

Have you ever wanted to testify before the US Congress on an issue related to science or health? Last March, Beth Malow had the opportunity to do exactly that! Here, she shares the story of her adventure, what she learned, and how you might prepare...

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Using Emotions to Convey Scientific Knowledge

What gets you up in the morning to get your research done? Recent findings in the science communication field recommend using two epistemic emotions when conveying scientific knowledge: curiosity and awe.

Building connections – a new way to boost engagement with climate change communication?

As previously shared on the Scicommbites platform, Megan Widdows covers a research article that takes a new approach to increasing engagement with climate change research. Check out the full post here.

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Humor in SciComm

Humor has long been a way for people to connect, share stories, and relate to one another. Today’s episode takes a look at how humor, science communication, and misinformation interact, highlighting empirical research done on the topic by Dr. Sara...

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Can Humor Make Your SciComm More Effective?

In this interview, Dr. Reyhaneh Maktoufi chats with Dr. Sara Yeo about one of her studies, examining some of the positive effects of humor in scicomm.

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The Science of Science Communication

The challenge presents itself when it comes to communicating that science. Are there best practices based on scientific evidence that scientists, professional communicators, and the interested public should be following in terms of science communication?...