Echo D. Cartwright
Echo is the Director of Climate Mitigation at The Nature Conservancy in New York,
where she leads a cross cutting team of professionals identifying pathways to mitigate
the impacts of climate change on our environment. Ms. Cartwright is also the President
of EDC Strategic Consultants, an independent consulting firm committed to the advancement
of socially conscious energy, environmental, and economic development policies which
benefit local communities and advance workforce training initiatives to support the
growing clean-tech industry.
Ms. Cartwright has over 30 years experience in the public policy, environment, and energy and utilities sectors, serving as a Senior Energy Advisor for two New York Governors. Ms. Cartwright has served on several Peer Review panels for the National Academies of Sciences related to the energy industry, and has served on numerous Boards and Committees. In addition, Ms. Cartwright is the Editor of the Wiley Climate and Energy Journal, an international journal which focuses on current trends and issues facing the energy industry.