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Diversity Action Plan 4 High Performance

July 13, 2020

There is an old saying; There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called "Yesterday" and the other is called  "Tomorrow" — fortunately we are in Today!

Let me pause for a moment and acknowledge each of you. Organizational culture change is not easy and can cause stress, therefore we are being extremely thoughtful and attentive to your input and perspectives. We recognize that during periods of change people wonder how they will be impacted.

As society changes, as our institution changes, you may be focused on what you will lose, not what you will gain. You may also be thinking, "How will I be affected by this change? Will I benefit from it? Will I be able to learn what I need to know?" 

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Beyond the Expected

Bridging the Racial Divide: Being an Ally

In this episode of “Beyond the Expected,” we’ll be talking about being an ally — what it is, how to do it and why it’s so important in today’s racially, ethnically and politically divided society. Two Stony Brook experts talk with Stony Brook University Vice President of Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer Judith Brown Clarke about the emotional toll prejudice takes on individuals across our campus and in society today, and how ‘Being an Ally’ can help ease the pain.

Caring, Respect, Civility Website Is Here to Help

Stony Brook University’s mission, vision and very essence are built on the principles of providing equal access to world-class education in a caring environment, where we respect and embrace our differences, take responsibility to protect our local communities, and practice civility at all times. We promote inclusion, welcome freedom of expression, encourage civil discourse, and take a firm stand against divisiveness and insensitivity in all venues and forms. 

This site – Caring, Respect, Civility – provides resources and support to help us all remember these values and practice these behaviors. This is more important than ever in today’s challenging and changing educational, political and social climate. Together, we can stay Stony Brook Strong, and continue to build and role model the culture that is the hallmark of our University.

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